Westpac Banking Corporation BSB Numbers

List of Westpac Banking Corporation BSB Numbers with address and branch details

Save on international money transfers

When you send or receive an international transfer with your bank, you might lose money on a bad exchange rate and pay hidden fees as a result.
This is because banks hide a fee in the exchange rate, which means that you will spend more on international money transfers than you should.
We recommend you use Wise, which is usually much cheaper. For example, 1000 EUR transfer to USD can cost you as little as 4 EUR with TransferWise, compared to 28 EUR with a bank.

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To view the full details for each branch's BSB Number, please click on the BSB Number on the rightmost column.

Beaudesert Beaudesert QLD 034-630
Bundaberg Bundaberg QLD 034-631
Sugarland Bundaberg Bundaberg West QLD 034-633
Kingaroy Kingaroy QLD 034-634
Nerang Nerang QLD 034-635
Rockhampton North North Rockhampton QLD 034-636
Pacific Fair, Gold Coast Broadbeach QLD 034-637
Morayfield Morayfield QLD 034-640
Warwick Warwick QLD 034-642
Broadbeach Broadbeach QLD 034-654
Noosa Noosa Heads QLD 034-655
Toowoomba Toowoomba QLD 034-659
Bundall Bundall QLD 034-660
Cairns Central Cairns QLD 034-664
Whitsunday Cannonvale QLD 034-665
The Willows Kirwan QLD 034-668
In-Store Support Unit QLD Concord West NSW 034-671
Kawana Financial Centre Buddina QLD 034-676
Nerang Nerang QLD 034-682
Cairns PPC Woolloongabba QLD 034-688
Farm Mgmt Deposits - QLD Concord West NSW 034-696
Runaway Bay Runaway Bay QLD 034-699
The Rock Building Society Ltd Rockhampton QLD 034-802
The Rock Building Society Ltd Rockhampton QLD 034-805
Mackay Permanent Building Society Mackay QLD 034-806
Flight Centre Limited - Client Brisbane QLD 034-807
Wide Bay Capricorn Building Society Bundaberg QLD 034-811
CUSS Bananacoast Community Brisbane QLD 034-813
CUSS Bananacoast Community Brisbane QLD 034-814
CUSS Upper Hunter Credit Brisbane QLD 034-816
CUSS Baplink Brisbane QLD 034-819
CUSS TAB Staff & Agents Brisbane QLD 034-820
CUSS RAMS Brisbane QLD 034-822
CUSS Debit Tax Calculation Brisbane QLD 034-825
CUSS Hunter United Brisbane QLD 034-826
CUSS- BankVic Brisbane QLD 034-828
CUSS- BankVic Brisbane QLD 034-829
CUSS Ukrainian Credit Co-Op Brisbane QLD 034-832
CUSS Ukrainian Credit Co-Op Brisbane QLD 034-833
CUSS Settlement Account Brisbane QLD 034-835
CUSS Queensland Country Brisbane QLD 034-836
CUSS Qld Country Taringa QLD 034-837
CUSS Queensland Police Brisbane QLD 034-838
CUSS Queensland Professional Brisbane QLD 034-840
CUSS Queensland Professional Brisbane QLD 034-841
CUSS ADIF Brisbane QLD 034-844
CUSS Phoenix (NSW) Brisbane QLD 034-847
CUSS Warwick Credit Union Brisbane QLD 034-850
CUSS Warwick Credit Union Brisbane QLD 034-851
CUSS QLD Home Loans Taringa QLD 034-852

What is Westpac Banking Corporation BSB number? Westpac Banking Corporation BSB number is a six digit number used to identify bank branches for Australian banks. BSB numbers will be different based on the branch of the account holder. It is based on the bank account origin by state and city.
In order to find the check BSB number of the branch you are looking for, click on the BSB Number link next to the branch name. Additionally, the list of bank BSB numbers is visible on this page for easier access.